Sunday, April 29, 2012

Online Scams Identity Theft - Sun Apr 28, 2012

Identity theft, imposter scams on the rise
Martha's Vineyard Times
He stole his identity by tricking the victim into revealing personal information. He managed to get more than $2000 of the victim's money. The thieves took his money by using his credit card information, buying something over the phone or online...

UT event takes aim at growing ID theft problem
Austin American-Statesman
Every website would have to use it to curb online fraud. They don't, though, and that leaves companies and individuals vulnerable to identity theft. "Humans are the fallible part" of the security system, Ostryniec said. He said 73 percent of online ...
Merchant Services Provider, Merchant Express®, Offers Fraud Prevention and ...
Virtual-Strategy Magazine
Merchant Express®, a full-service merchant services provider, is offering advice to merchants and consumers to help them to reduce their risk of identity theft that may result from information compromises. This action is in response to recent data ...
India Claims Spamming Crown
Bloomberg (blog)
The sleaziest thing about spam isn't just that people are bombarded with crass penis-enlargement ads and identity-theft scams. Even more unseemly is that many of us are spammers, and don't know it. Spammers typically steal our computing resources by ...

Need of the hour: Two-factor authentication
Business Standard
According to experts, Two-Factor Authentication dramatically reduces the incidence of online identity theft, phishing attacks, and other online fraud, because the victim's password is simply no longer sufficient to give a thief access to their ...
Identity theft: When millions of dead people apply for credit cards
PC Advisor
By Tim Greene | Network World US | 23 April 12 Seems that the threat of identity theft doesn't end, even with death. Identity thieves apply for millions of credit cards per year using personal information of the deceased, a study shows.
Symantec Intros Free Norton Identity Safe Service
Tom's Hardware Guide
However, this puts consumers at risk of identity theft and loss of personal information when a hacker cracks one obvious password and gains access to all of their accounts. Others keep a physical list of passwords at home – not much use for the 48 ...
Guardian Analytics Introduces New Anomaly Detection Solution to Protect Mobile ...
MarketWatch (press release)
"A mobile phone in the hands of a criminal provides them with access to all of the victim's personal information that can not only lead to mobile banking fraud, but fraud in other channels as well as identity theft. To prevent this from happening,

ScamsIdentity TheftFraud! | Newport Cultural Center
Fraud! Do you shop online? Carry a credit card in your wallet? Use email? Any of these things, and many more, can make you vulnerable to scamsidentity theft...

Tips And Guidelines Avoiding Internet Scams And Fraud
Scams and fraud are things that have been going on for years and years, ... Protect Yourself FromIdentity Theft And Credit Fraud ... id theft on the internet ... providing comprehensive answers for you and your family on issues regarding Identity Theft.


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