Friday, December 2, 2011

Mortgage Scam Identity Theft News - Fri Dec 2, 2011

Task force set up to investigate mortgage scams
WASHINGTON - The US Treasury Department announced on Thursday that it will be part of a newly formed task force aimed at shutting down mortgage scams masquerading as government help plans. Treasury, together with the Office of the Special Inspector ...
Connecticut Man Sentenced for Role in $4 Million Mortgage Fraud Scheme
Citizens are encouraged to report any suspected mortgage fraud activity by calling 203-333-3512and requesting the Connecticut Mortgage Fraud Task Force, or by sending an e-mail to The Connecticut Mortgage Fraud Task Force ...
BBB Warns Homeowners: Changes to Mortgage Rules Bring Out Scams
Better Business Bureau
“Whenever there is a new or updated government program that may be a bit confusing, scammers come out of the woodwork to take advantage of that confusion,” said Katherine Hutt, spokesperson for the Council of Better Business Bureaus. ...
Jobless sisters caught in £161m VAT fraud: Judge attacks the 'lax' system that ...
Daily Mail
On top of this they managed to trick insurance firms into paying their mortgages by claiming on employment protection policies – despite having no jobs. The scams were going swimmingly until the authorities smelt a rat and began to investigate. ...

Witnesses testify in property scam case
Escanaba Daily Press
When the couple were unable to secure a mortgage loan, they worked out a land contract deal with Ives with a closing date of Aug. 9, 2010. After Ives continued to push back the closing date, the Thomas's decided they wanted their $4000 returned. ...
HUD to grant $40 million in restored housing counselor funds
Housing Wire
Roughly $36 million will be used for helping homeowners avoid foreclosure, thwarting mortgage scams and teaching buyers how to purchase or rent a home. Another $4 million will be used for reverse mortgage counselors. Republicans led Congress to slash ...

Tips for avoiding mortgage modification scams > Consumer ...
By The CFPB Web Team
Homeowners struggling to make their mortgage payments should beware of con artists and scamsthat promise to save their homes and lower their mortgage debt or payments. If you are struggling to pay your mortgage and are seeking a ...
Government Establishes Task Force to Combat HAMP Scams, But ...
By emptywheel
Mind you, they're not aiming to fight the fraud servicers engage in–that is, using HAMP as a way to get force homeowners to stop paying their mortgages and then using that “default” as a means to tack on fees and ultimately foreclose. Nope ...

Regulators Shut Down Bing, Yahoo Mortgage Scam Ads | ClickZ
Google's not the only one to have drawn scrutiny for fake mortgage programs. providing comprehensive answers for you and your family on issues regarding Identity Theft.

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