Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Reporting Identity Theft News - Tue Nov 22, 2011

Child identity theft – a silent and growing epidemic, first ever report states
According to the Carnegie Mellon Cylab report released in April, Power, the first person to investigate identity theft involving children, found that the occurrence of child identity theft is 51 times greater than the rate for adults when compared to ...
Two Members of Large-Scale Identity Theft Ring Plead Guilty
7thSpace Interactive (press release)
NEWARK, NJ—Two more members of a large-scale and sophisticated identity theft scheme pleaded guilty this week, United States Attorney Paul J Fishman announced. Jung-Bong Lee, 38, ofPalisades Park, NJ ., pleaded guilty today before United States ...
Is your waiter a thief?
MSN Money
On Friday, 28 people were indicted in the identity-theft ring. Reports on the scope of the crime range from $600000 to millions of dollars. In the scam, which focused on customers with high-limit American Express cards, seven waiters at various ...

2011 Performance and Accountability Report
Trade Commission Act, Telemarketing Sales Rule, IdentityTheft Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, and Clayton Act. Profile. • The agency is headquartered in ...
Synthetic identity theft (part 3) - National Identity Theft | Examiner.com
Consumers must also be alert and look for clues of true name and synthetic identity theftregardless if they check their credit report manually or they subscribe to ...

Identity-Theft-Answers.com can help if you have been a victim of Identity Theft or if your looking for answers on how to prevent or protect your family.

Website: http://www.identity-theft-answers.com
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